Breaking Even show@ Reptile Palace Feb.4.

A message from BreakingEven....
This is Dan Hopper from the band Breaking Even. We are a band from Ames, Iowa that is looking to get our name and our music out to as many people as possible. Check out our profile and let us know what you think. We have 4 songs posted, two of which are up for download. Also, if you'd like to be on our email list so you can receive updates about the band, message us back or talk to us on AIM - breakingevenband and let us know your email address so we can add you to our mailing list. And, if you like our music or know someone who would, feel free to tell all of your friends to come check our our profile here on myspace. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you!
- Dan (Breaking Even)
AIM - breakingevenband
We will be performing at
the Reptile Palace in Oshkosh Wisconsin on Saturday February 4th with
5man and The Dark Inside.
the Reptile Palace in Oshkosh Wisconsin on Saturday February 4th with
5man and The Dark Inside.
Show starts around 9 or 10pm and cover is cheap. So, if you like our stuff here on myspace, definitely come check us out live! We hope to see you at the show!!
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