Friday, December 09, 2005

New Shows! Make sure to check out the Vital Vinyl show this Friday.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Farewell SomethingPhonic

It should be considered nothing more than blessed that the lives of bandmates Joe Stevens,Namiah Tribolini, Keith Scanlan, Sean D. and Mark Martin had coincided so closely for so long. But all good things must come to an end and earlier last month, so did SomethingPhonic.

The band played their last show for the public at the Algoma Club, Nov.12.

Hundreds of people hoarded the former Oddfellow's club to jam away to one stunnning final performance.

"It was bittersweet," Mark Martin said."We gave it our all on the last show and it was well-recieved."

Martin attributes the band's departure to band member's lives moving in different directions.

"It was so nice to see that it wasn't an ugly breakup," Martin said. "We had so many great times together."